"My mind sees that I am nothing, my heart sees that I am everything, between these two poles my life unfolds."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Russia Hosts "Tiger Summit"

Aimed at Saving Big Cats

Global wildlife experts and officials from 13 countries opened a "tiger summit" on Sunday to discuss how to save the big cats whose numbers have shrunk so sharply they could become extinct if quick measures are not taken.

The World Wildlife Fund and other experts say only about 3,200 tigers remain in the wild, a dramatic plunge from an estimated 100,000 a century ago.

James Leape, director general of the World Wildlife Fund, told the meeting in St.Petersburg that if the proper protective measures aren't taken, tigers may disappear by 2022, the next Chinese calendar year of the tiger.

Their habitat is being destroyed by forest cutting and construction, and they are a valuable trophy for poachers who want their skins and body parts prized in Chinese traditional medicine.

For the full article: 


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