"My mind sees that I am nothing, my heart sees that I am everything, between these two poles my life unfolds."

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Terrific Tuesday

We're melting!! It's +2C and our roads and sidewalks are basically huge puddles :) I sure am thankful I didn't wash my car yesterday. Friday's forecast is for a high of +8 -- I hope this means spring is on it's way. The brave little plant above is actually a few leaves of a small evergreen plant in my backyard (I have a number of them interspersed amongst some of my trees) - I think he looks like Punxsutawney Phil poking his head out - and I don't see a shadow...!

These are my latest Goodwill acquisitions - I purchased the pair for $1. 
I've been looking for a pretty scoop for my bath salts for a while... and now I also have a spare.
Oh how I ♥ my local thrift stores :)

I don't expect that brussels sprouts are necessarily on everyone's list of favourite vegetables... at least they weren't on mine until I tried out this fantastic recipe last fall - - I've basically been eating them non-stop ever since! When Tracy shared a very yummy-looking roasted cauliflower recipe the week before last, (which I haven't had an opportunity to try out yet, but definitely have full plans of doing so very soon) I was reminded I've been meaning to share this jewel with you for months.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees (I use my toaster oven for this one).
Line a sided roasting pan with parchment paper.

The important thing to know when purchasing brussels sprouts is to choose the tiny ones.

Rinse sprouts, cut off ends, put into a bowl and drizzle with olive oil, until nicely coated.
Sprinkle with sea salt - personally, I generously sprinkle. 
Turn onto roasting pan and place in oven for 20 - 25 minutes. Stir again 1/2 way through cooking time. You'll know they are done when they are tender, browned and any leaves that have dropped off
are very crispy. These are even good cold - if there are any left over. Enjoy!

I've just noticed this post today is all-green! I hope you won't be green-with-envy (hehe) when I tell you that I just won this authentic Lenox candy dish over at Elisabeth's blog Food and Thrift Finds, which she found at her local Goodwill...! 

Thanks Elisabeth, I can't wait to receive it :)


  1. Love the scoopers...love the sprouts recipe...it s the only way we eat them...and I love Elizabeth...I actually called her hen her beloved Prince was ill...she is o sweet!!!

    Did you see her sandwich post today?

    1. Hi Patty, I saw her sandwich post - looks delicious! I love Elisabeth's blog - she and her wonderful recipes are so inspiring :)

  2. Hi, First of all I think your new scoops are very lovely and what a bargain to boot.

    The Lenox candy dish is so sweet, congratulations to you. What a lovely gift coming your way.

    This household here loves brussels sprouts done like this also, they can be eaten almost like popcorn or candy they are that good. Yum, I love your pictures, such beautiful colour.

    I saw my first robin on Sunday afternoon, he was on someone's front lawn. What a welcome sight!

    1. Thanks Lorene, I love finding something I've actually been looking for! The first robin is a true sign of spring, lol!!

  3. well my peep might like the green veggies, so thanks for the recipe! She also loves thrift stores! Treasures to be found...

    1. Hi Scrappy, Hope your peep gives these a try :) Glad to hear we share a love of thrift stores.

  4. Hi Jane, slowly getting back to life again:) Love the recipe, I'll need to try it now. And what cool treasures you found, and won! Be back soon...

    1. Vicki, I think you'll discover a new found love of brussels sprouts if you do :) Take care and nice to see you here.

  5. We have a few signs of the season changing here, the nights are getting cooler and the sun is rising later and setting earlier. The leaves on the deciduous trees are changing colour. Roll on autumn, I am tired of being hot!

    My husband has been trying to convince me that brussel sprouts are worth eating, maybe this recipe will be the one to sway me!

    I love your scoops, and doesn't it feel great when we find these treasures for nix :)

    Congrats on your win and enjoy it :)

    1. Hi Annie, I usually feel the same way when our autumn rolls around - ready for some cooler weather and no more watering, lol! If only it would stay fall and not move into winter.

      As for brussels sprouts, if I can be converted, anyone can!

  6. That's a cute little bowl, well done! I love Brussels Sprouts cooked this way. I also do cabbage and broccoli like this and they taste so good.

    1. Sulky, I am definitely going to give cabbage and broccoli a try this way as well - thanks!

  7. Cool find and cool win! Don't you just love those thrift shop treasures. I stopped by one yesterday but didn't get lucky. Oh well, maybe next time. Believe it or not, I've never eaten brussel sprouts. Honest. This recipe, though, sounds great. I am tempted to try it out.

    1. I do find it hard to believe you've never tried them, but then again, I only tasted my first pomegranate a few months ago myself. They are like little cabbages in a way, with a deeper earthier taste. Don't know how else to describe them. But get the tiniest ones you can: quarter or loonie-sized - not the big honkers, which are tough and bitter.

  8. Generally speaking, I despise brussel sprouts with every fibre of my being. Then I had roasted brussel sprouts (with butter) at a restaurant in Hawaii . . . . HEAVEN, I'M IN HEAVEN! I'm going to try roasting some using your recipe very soon!

    1. Hehe, Me too, until I tried this recipe I avoided them like the plague. Let me know what you think :)

  9. Green food bad. Candy dish good. :) (Well I do like lettuce and green beans. ;)

    1. Lol - You sound like my son, although he does eat peas and brocolli, lettuce (& brussels sprouts) are definitely out!

  10. those scoops are so lovely and such a bargain! I hate sprouts but am always looking into eating more fruit and veg so I may have to try this one out, thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks Sarah, they're exactly what I've been looking for and dirt cheap! Fyi: brussels sprouts are also dirt cheap :)

  11. Well I can't wait to try the brussel sprout recipe. I don't dislike them, I just find them kind of dull. This could be the start of something exciting! Love you two new scoopers! Bee-yoo-tiful!

    1. Francie, I think this may be just the recipe you need to liven them up. I was told today that steaming them and then adding salt & butter is also a great alternative. I will give it a try, but I seriously doubt it'll beat roasting them.

  12. I've never tasted a brussel sprout that I've enjoyed, but this gives me hope. I shall give them one final chance.
    Plus, I must go thrift store more often. I'm missing out on far too much.
    Thanks for the mention as well!!

    1. This has been interesting! I can't say I'm surprised to hear that most people don't like brussels sprouts. I Think you definitely should thrift shop more - I like the Goodwill in the west end (by Mayfield Common), but recently discovered a great on on 51 Ave - just off 91 St. It's an adventure every time.

  13. Such pretty scoops! And, I love Brussells sprouts...never thought I would! They are an earthy flavor...(I think beets are, too) ~ ♥

    1. Thanks Anne - I love a great deal :) Beets are a vegetable I need to eat more often.
