"My mind sees that I am nothing, my heart sees that I am everything, between these two poles my life unfolds."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Best Things In Life Are (Practically) Free!

I am pretty pumped about my latest Goodwill acquisitions.  Someone donated a small Native art collection and amongst it were these 2 beauties.  They cost me $6.00 in total, and are handmade (signed).  The detailing in them is lovely.
Also, check out my new oil decanter ($2.00) It is pottery & I can tell this was 
never used for it's intended purpose except as a decor item.

1 comment:

  1. Those art pieces are just lovely. Are they clay pottery without a glaze?

    The new oil decanter is just perfect. You are one sharp eyed shopper!


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