"My mind sees that I am nothing, my heart sees that I am everything, between these two poles my life unfolds."

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Second Opinion

LOVE this advice!


  1. But Jane, where's the fun if we can't whine and complain?? We might actually have to get out there and do something!!

    1. I know - he takes all the fun out of it - but he has a great accent, so I cut him some slack, lol!!

  2. Better advice than my own doctors! Thanks, Jane. :)

  3. Ooooh I like him!
    Going to check out his site right now.
    I complain-probably more than I'd admit to-and it sucks!
    It doesn't solve anything and the feeling that surrounds you
    (ha, is that a complaint about complaining?)

    1. I could listen to him all day - maybe It'd sink in if I did... I was thinking I should have put "Note to self:" under the video! Lol, good one - it does kind of seem like you're complaining now that you mention it!!!

  4. Ah Jane...I'd have to stop breathing in order to stop whining...I ain't called Sulky for nothing! But, yes - he also can be my Doctor!

    1. Sulky kitten you get a pass here - you aren't really whining - you're just very observant and kind enough to share your observations with the rest of us! It's more of a public service than anything, lol :)

  5. Replies
    1. I love that he says he's positively positive :D

  6. Dear Jane,
    I was going to do a post on grumbling...and you beat me to it. We think a lot alike, you know. Too bad I'm not blonde and beautiful too. Oops, I think I'm whining!

    1. Lol, Yes that's a shame - you'll just have to settle for being brunette & beautiful - you poor thing!

  7. Oooooh...I love his accent! It made me feel all warm and fuzzy. What did he say again? LOL... I got lost in his voice.

    Good advice! I try to remind myself of this every day, but I don't always follow through.

  8. Heehee, Yes, I'll admit the accent helps the medicine go down!!
    JJ Hubby just listened to him a few times and has also fallen under his spell :)

  9. Hey, this fellow can be my Doc anytime....lol

    Did you note the beautiful flowers in the background on the clip?

    Seriously, we do spend far too much of our precious time whining, grumbling and complaining. It can become a bad habit and there is no merit to it. We have so much to be thankful for everyday if we just stop and count our blessings.

  10. I've listened to this short clip every day since discovering it - it's a great attitude adjuster :)
