"My mind sees that I am nothing, my heart sees that I am everything, between these two poles my life unfolds."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dream a Little Dream with Me :)

 "Gardening imparts an organic perspective on the passage of time."


Yesterday I took stock of the garden; planning which tasks 
I need to complete in the next few weeks and those to tackle come spring.
Upon reflection, I am quite pleased with how much I managed to accomplish this season.
Of course, there are numerous projects I never got to -
but c'est la vie, one never gets it all done!

Above are some of the tags from the shrubs and annuals planted this season - in total twenty-four.
I've been saving them for every planting added to our yard since moving here over ten years ago,
(it's getting to be quite a pile!) and find myself referring back to them quite often.
As well, I was given three Canna Lilies which didn't flower, but did produce beautiful foliage
and so fully expect to be rewarded with blooms come next summer.

The two gardening books above, while actually geared to gardening in
much warmer climates, have proven to be a source of great inspiration.
They were picked up on bargain bins a number of years ago,
and are intently pored over by firelight (lol) during the cold, dark winter months! 

You may recall I added a fountain feature in July - see here.
While not nearly as elaborate as pictured above; this was what first inspired me.
I hope to add plantings and a bench to it in the near future.

Love the private, 'Secret Garden' feel to this garden.

Oh, how I wish!

I adore this and am definitely on the lookout for a metal 'something' 
to tuck in amongst my bellflowers and shasta daisies... 

Isn't this gorgeous?

White in the garden is an elegant look.

I hope these pics have also inspired you to dream big.
Sometimes, it's the only thing that keeps us sane November through April :)

We are enjoying amazing weather - today's high is forecast at 31C!
Here's a fabulous salad you may want to try - sounds totally delish and so easy.
This was forwarded by a faithful reader who loved it - I plan to try it very soon.


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